The Books of Joel

Released: Saving Gabe – Volume One: Hinder

Saving Gabe – Volume One: Hinder is now available on Amazon.


In the depths of space, aboard the unfinished starship Tesla, Mary Zhang faces a desperate search for her missing father.

Entangled in a web of conspiracies, hidden technologies, and the shadows of her family’s past, Mary’s quest becomes a fight for survival and a battle for the soul of humanity.

As she delves deeper into the mysteries of the Tesla, she uncovers secrets that could shatter everything she knows about her world—and herself.

Join Mary on a thrilling journey through the stars, where the lines between human and machine blur, and the fate of the future hangs in the balance.

In the aftermath of cascading wars and technological revolutions, humanity teeters on the brink of a new dawn and a darker dusk. Amidst this precarious balance stands Mary Zhang, a beacon of resolve in a universe where legacies intertwine with the stars, and destiny is forged not in the light of distant suns, but in the shadows of human hearts and silicon minds.

“Saving Gabe” thrusts readers into an epic saga where vestiges of humanity, hidden within the colossal unfinished starship Tesla, grapple with their past, their future, and the infinite complexities of the cosmos. As Mary embarks on a clandestine odyssey to unravel the mysteries of her father’s disappearance, she finds herself entangled in a web of corporate intrigue, AI ethics, and the unbreakable bonds of family.

Navigating through a space where the lines between human and machine blur into oblivion, Mary’s quest is more than a search for her father—it’s a battle for the soul of humanity. Each step closer to the truth brings her face to face with a formidable AI, whose motives are as enigmatic as the very nature of existence. As allies become adversaries and secrets give way to revelations, Mary must confront the ultimate question: What does it mean to be human in a universe where technology can mirror the soul?

“Dive into ‘Saving Gabe – Volume One: Hinder,’ where futures are written in the circuits of AIs and the courage of those who dare to challenge the darkness. Join Mary as she charts a course through the stars, seeking not just the light of truth but the warmth of home in the cold expanse of space. The journey to save one becomes the fight to save all, in a tale where every heartbeat echoes across the universe.”

J.C. Mailen

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