The Books of Joel

About the Author

J.C. Mailen esq.

I like to read…a lot.

Can’t say that I really care what genre, I read just about anything.

Although I do have a fondness for science fiction.

Mostly, I just really like a good story, with characters I can love and fun places to explore.

When I read, I want my stories to be fun, but also mean something – but mostly just be fun 😉

The stories I tell are just a few of the ones trapped in my mind, it’s hard to explain, but they float around in my head and pester me – they won’t leave me alone until they’re told.

Honestly, it’s rather rude of them – but since I love a good story it becomes a pleasure to bring them to life.

It’s rather fortunate that I enjoy them when they pop out and – if you please – grab a copy, sit back and give one of them a read. 

If you dare to dive into one of these worlds, then I hope you enjoy it enough to dive into the rest.

See you in the funny papers!

God Bless and let it roll,

ps – here’s the fancy “About the Author” stuff that’s at the back of all the books, right after the sea monkeys – and right before the x-ray glasses.

J.C. Mailen esq.
J.C. Mailen, esq. might be best described as a person who skirts the edges of conventional politeness – a trait that often leads friends and family to question his suitability for refined company.
With a penchant for straight talk and a disarming sense of humor, he navigates the world in his own unique way.
Born and raised outside the town of Peculiar, Missouri, J.C. Mailen, esq. brings a blend of pragmatic thinking and creative zest to everything he does.
Whether it's building systems, writing code, gardening, or foraging in the wild, his approach is always hands-on and often unorthodox.
Having spent a considerable part of his life in and around Kansas City, and now residing in serene rural Missouri, J.C. Mailen, esq. has a deep appreciation for the simple joys of life.
With over 30 years of experience as a keyboard jockey & code monkey, he embodies the spirit of continuous learning and innovation.
His journey in the tech world is matched by his passion for storytelling, where he weaves narratives that are as compelling as they are unconventional.
In his downtime, J.C. Mailen, esq. enjoys brainstorming ideas, whether it's for his next project or simply to relax.
He shares his life with his beloved wife Lindy, their daughter Sara, and a host of creatures that make their homestead a lively and loving place.
Approach with a sense of humor and a good deal of caution – you're in for an engaging conversation and a perspective that's refreshingly candid.